Konq/E on Qt/E -Error ! Please Help

suneesh tp tps_nbr at yahoo.co.in
Thu Jun 26 11:27:43 CEST 2003

    Thank you for replying..I am trying konq/emb for
qt/emb in frame buffer.I have enabled frame buffer and
 I can run qt-examples in my frame buffer.Now I am
trying to get the Konqeror/E working on this frame
buffer.So I downloaded the latest snapshot 
konqueror-embedded-snapshot-20030516.tar.gz and my
Qt/Embedded version is qt-2.3.2. The configure script
is working well when I given
./configure --enable-qt-embedded
After that when I typed "make" it is showing some
error  related to some kdelibs library files.I am
attaching the configure and make output I got.Should I
download any kdelibs or anything related to work this
? Please help me

Thanks in Advance


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