KonqE and javascript

Robert Parusel rp at infratec-plus.de
Tue Jun 3 17:02:05 CEST 2003

&^$%@#(^%( Oops, another lame programmer. Sorry for the incomplete message.


I want to use konqueror embedded with javascript.
Konqueror is working but javascript not. 
For example the testpage test.html :

        alert( "holdrio" );

should place a dialog box on my screen, or not?
But it dit'nt.

QT was build with:
export KDEDIR=/opt/kde2
export QTDIR=/usr/src/qt/qt-embedded-2.3.2/qt-2.3.2
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/src/qt/qt-embedded-2.3.2/qt-2.3.2:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
./configure -release -shared -gif -sm -thread -qt-zlib -qt-libpng 
-system-libmng -system-jpeg -kde -xft -depths 4,8,16,24,32 -vnc -xplatform 

and konqueror with:
./configure         \
--disable-debug     \
--disable-warnings  \
--enable-static     \
--enable-qt-embedded    \
--enable-embedded   \
--enable-kernel-threads     \
--enable-readwrite  \
--enable-cgi    \
--enable-sortdir    \
--enable-sidebar    \
--enable-xmlui  \
--enable-fontsubs   \
--enable-largeicons     \
--enable-javascript \
--enable-jshostext  \
--with-qt-dir=/usr/src/qt/qt-embedded-2.3.2/qt-2.3.2    \
--with-qt-includes=/usr/src/qt/qt-embedded-2.3.2/qt-2.3.2/include   \
--with-qt-libraries=/usr/src/qt/qt-embedded-2.3.2/qt-2.3.2/lib  \
 make -j 10

Any hints ?


Linus Torvalds: "We're back to the times where men were men,
                         and wrote their own device drivers."

Zaphod: "In those days spirits were brave, 
              the stakes were high, 
              men were REAL men, 
              women were REAL women, 
              and small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were REAL small 
              creatures from Aplha Centauri." 

Gesellschaft für innovative Datentechnik mbH
Werner-von-Siemens-Strasse 7
64625 Bensheim

R.Parusel / Tel: 06251/8405-460 /   mailto:rp at infratec-plus.de

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