Problems starting konq-e on FB-dev

Marcel Kossin mkossin at
Sun Jul 20 16:25:35 CEST 2003

Hello everybody,

I'm stuck with a Problem. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find an answer at 
google, in the archive of this Mailinglist or in the rare Informations spread 
over the Internet about konq-e.

I'm trying to build a small GNU/Linux Firewall which can be maintained with a 
Browser. Due to the fact that the firewall should be installed via the 
Webinterface too, I need a Browser on the Firewallsystem. After some research 
I found that konq-e perfectly could fit my needs.

I compiled qt-2.3.2 and then konqueror-embedded with the proper $QTDIR set. 
ldd shows, that all needed libraries are available. At the vga prompt I start 
with a vesafb of 640x480x16 this was verified with "fbset fb=/dev/fb/0". When 
I now start konq-e on konsole after some seconds I get the prompt again and 
nothing happened. Since I use devfs I think it might be the Problem, that 
there is no /dev/fb0, but I can't find any hint on Internet how to start with 
a different FB-Device.

Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong or point me to an URL where I can 
find some answers? 

Thanks in advance for your time and help,

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