Konq-e compiled with qt3 !! But !!!

suneesh tp tps_nbr at yahoo.co.in
Tue Jul 15 08:28:48 CEST 2003

   Thank you kentropy...It worked !! .I have compiled
konq/e with qt-embedded-3.1.1,after some changes in
the code.'make -f Makefile.cvs' was not working in the
kdenox ..So I went through the script prepare_kde_src
and commented patching the following.

echo "*** applying khtml javascript connect add-on
patch ..."
#( cd ./kdesrc/khtml && patch -p0 <
./khtml_jsextend_patch.txt )

After that it created the configure script in kdenox
..In order to compile it ,I  added the header
kxmlguiclient.h in dropin/kxmlguifactory.h and
commented line no 153 (return statement) in
(is it bad to comment this line ?)

KJavaApplet* HTMLAppletElementImpl::applet() const
    if (!m_render || !m_render->isApplet())
        return 0L;

   // return

So it compiled !!!.
   But I am having some problems when i use it.When I
close the konqueror by clicking the 'X' , a
segmentation fault occurs and my system hangs.The
error shows is..

launcher: error sending launcherSlavePidCmd : Broken
Pipe  Segmentation fault.

   What can be the problem ? How to solve this ?
Anybody  Please help me !!

Thanks in advance


 --- Kentropy <kentropy at libero.it> wrote: > I've done
the following steps almost successfully.
> The main CVS mirror is reachable with the
> -d:pserver:anonymous at anoncvs.kde.org:/home/kde
> switch of the cvs command. Other mirror are listed
> at
> http://developer.kde.org/source/anoncvs
> where you can also find an introduction to CVS
> usage.
> the following commands should let you start:
> mkdir kdesrc
> cd kdesrc
> cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at anoncvs.kde.org:/home/kde
> login
> (press return)
> cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at anoncvs.kde.org:/home/kde
> get -rKDE_3_1_2_RELEASE \
> kdelibs
> cvs -d:pserver:anonymous at anoncvs.kde.org:/home/kde
> get kdenox
> you should cd to kdenox, and execute the following
> command:
> make -f Makefile.cvs
> this builds the configure script, and brings the
> needed sources in the
> kdenox
> dir. It also applies patches where needed.
> Now you can call the ./configure script as usual.
> Marco

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