Problem with JS function

Paul Chitescu Paul.Chitescu at
Thu Jul 3 15:58:47 CEST 2003

"Caterina Torrisi" <ctg at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've made an extension to Konqueror creating new add-ons.
>  I need to make a call to a JavaScript function which name is in a
variable that is a string. I received the variable as an argument from
another JavaScript function.
> I would like to know if there is a way to do it.
> Thanks in advance.
> Caterina Torrisi

That's not Konq/E related but generic Javascript.

See the standard eval() method of every object (but not DOM nodes - so no
document.eval()). It evaluates it's string argument in the context of the

var my_string='window.alert("Hi, there!")';

 Paul Chitescu
 pchitescu at   ICQ:22641673
 Any spammers will be painfully squeezed into /dev/null

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