kdelibs-3.0 based konq embed works!

Luciano Montanaro konq-e@mail.kde.org
Wed, 29 Jan 2003 17:26:19 +0100

I finally managed to build a konq-embed that works for a while
using qt 3.1 and kdelibs 3.0.

I started my work from the head branch, however I merged the KONQE_1_0_BRAN=
changes in it. I hope I did not break too many things, however basic browsi=
and javascript seems to work well.

I checked out a couple of sites that do not work well with KONQE_1_0_BRANCH,
and I found the new khtml does indeed work much better with them.

I compiled and tested it on a PC with X11, so it probably is not yet ready =
IPAQS and the like.

The unified diff patch for the changes is roughly 500KB, so I don't think i=
is appropriate to post it to the list, however, I'll send it to whoever is=

I'd like to have the changes in the repository, too,
and I hope to get some help about that.

Bye for now,

Luciano Montanaro// My public GPG key can be  /"\ ASCII RIBBON
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