[KONQ_E_1_0_BRANCH] Javascript memory leak partially resolved

Luciano Montanaro konq-e@mail.kde.org
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 14:51:18 +0100

Στις 17:27, mercoledì 15 gennaio 2003, ο/η Simon Hausmann έγραψε:

> I doubt it has a chance for inclusion into the 2.2 branch, but on
> the other hand I see no problem with including the patch in konq/e
> by applying it at build time. That is, if you feel it is safe
> enough. I for one have no objections for including it in konq/e
> (trusting you, as I lack knowledge about kjs :)

I think it is safe to use, I have been using it for a couple of days now
without problems. I'd like to have someone that knows his stuff approve it 

I am not sure if it would be rejected, it may well be, but some time ago I
managed to have one fix for the html map handling applied.

We are probably the main group of users for kde 2 source base, maybe with
those with a window port. 

By the way, I am searching the kde-cvs for khtml/kjs related fixes, and I have 
found that a number of patches are easy to port to khtml v2. 

Some fix is quite trivial, and, until we get a functional khtml v3 core,
could benefit us as well. 

If you are interested, I can post them later too.

I'll forward this message to the kfm-devel mailing list too, just in case.


Luciano Montanaro// My public GPG key can be  /"\ ASCII RIBBON
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