Self Signed Certificates & Konq/E

Paul Chitescu
Thu, 20 Feb 2003 13:53:56 +0200

>From "Net Nut" <>:
> Hello, I have had Konquerer installed, and use it fine, but I have a
> whenever I go to sites that have s self signed certificate. When I hit
> sites It prompts me over, and over if I want to accept the certificate and
> if so, just this session, or always/forever. No matter which option I pick
> it does not add the certificate. What can I do to use these ssl sites?
> suggestions?
> I am running konq/E on a  sharp Zaurus SL-5500running openzaurus 3.0
> Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Grant

You may have an old version of Konq/E. The ssld DCOP server was running with
the wrong name therefore not saving or loading the choices.

The easiest to check is if you have a "Details..." button in the SSL popup
and if it opens an information popup. I fixed the DCOP when I added that
info box so if it's not there your Konq/E is too old.

 Paul Chitescu   ICQ:22641673
 Any spammers will be painfully squeezed into /dev/null