I am ready to merge the last changes needed by kdelibs 3.1

Luciano Montanaro konq-e@mail.kde.org
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 18:25:16 +0100

On Wednesday 19 February 2003 16:50, Luciano Montanaro wrote:

> Ok, I haven't other ideas for now. Can you try the attached script file,
> which is what I currently use for the configuration? You'll have to adapt
> it a bit, but using similar configuratin options could help the debugging.
> run it as:
> localconfigure debug

Uh-oh! the --enable-fast-malloc=3Dtrue is not yet available in the CVS=20
repository version. Remove it for now.
By the way: there was an error in one of the Makefile.am files.
You should check-out from CVS again, make -f Makefile.cvs and reconfigure
Maybe your problem was due to some misalignment between libraries and the
main konqueror program.

Let me know if this helps.


Luciano Montanaro// My public GPG key can be  /"\ ASCII RIBBON
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