I am ready to merge the last changes needed by kdelibs 3.1

Luciano Montanaro konq-e@mail.kde.org
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 16:23:45 +0100

On Wednesday 19 February 2003 16:13, Benjamin Reed wrote:
> It's appearing to be pulling data from the web page, but it never gets
> to the screen.
> > I've found out that currently the preferences dialog does not appear
> > anymore
> > (it worked with kdelibs 3.0, if I remember correctly), and the history
> > arrows
> > do not work.
> I'm not so worried about that yet as getting stuff to even display at
> this point.  I suspect that's not really a problem in your code.  When
> I put a URL on the command-line, I get this:
> debug: (1364) GET / HTTP/1.1
> debug: (1364) Connection: Keep-Alive
> debug: (1364) Accept: text/*, image/jpeg, image/png, image/*, */*
> debug: (1364) Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, x-deflate, gzip, deflate,
> identity
> debug: (1364) Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8;q=3D0.5, *;q=3D0.5
> debug: (1364) Accept-Language: en
> debug: (1364) Host: ranger.befunk.com
> debug: (1364) HTTPProtocol::httpOpenConnection
> debug: DCOPDispatcher::slotDispatch() 15
> debug: error reading from dcop client!
> debug: removed client!
> Slave::slotDispatch() : abort!
> ...so somewhere down the line, it's having issues pulling the data and
> displaying it.

Did you do a 'make install'?=20
It is needed to put configuration files/icons and so in the proper=20

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