proper use of MIME types?

Matthew D Krajewski mdk at
Tue Aug 26 14:03:34 CEST 2003

Hello, all,

Has anyone been able to get an mp3 to play with Konq/E?

I'm under the impression that one can click on an anchors and play a local
mp3 file if konq-embedrc includes something like the following:

[MIME Handlers]

Is this supposed to run the player madplay with the anchor's href file?
Right now, it just loads the file as as if it were text.  Maybe there's
something missing from my anchor?  -> <a href="emacspeak.mp3">Click on

But then again, I'm a complete novice when it comes to MIME types, HTML
design or browser configuration, so I might be completely off track.  If
someone could give me a clue, it would be much appreciated.  Thanks in

- Matt Krajewski

P.S.  If the above assumption is correct, could one run applets by directing
the .class file, also in an anchor, to a local JVM?  (I'm assuming that
there's still no applet support in Konq/E.)

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