Severe JS memory leak - can someone confirm?

Paul Chitescu
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 14:23:56 +0200

> On Thu, Oct 17, 2002 at 09:23:44AM +0200, Simon Hausmann wrote:
> > What does everyone think about switching to QT3 and KDE3 khtml/kjs
> > as codebase?
> Paul, any opinion? :)
> Simon

Sorry for the delay, I am coding like mad (add-ons, sidebar, bugfixes).

Have to take a look at Qt-3 and KDE-3, especially at the size of the
libraries. My largest file on the target system is libqte, closely followed
by konq-e. Together they take over 11MB although I probably can disable some
parts of Qt when I decide I don't need them.

It is also important to know if this won't break compatibility with existing
Qt-based environments like Qtopia. I am personally not affected since our
system uses Konq-E for almost everything.
