error while cross-compiling konqueror

Paul Chitescu
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 19:49:24 +0200

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sanjeev Manral" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 10:39 AM
Subject: error while cross-compiling konqueror

> Hi all,
> I'm trying to compile konqueror-embedded for powerPC405
> I've compiled qte-2.3.1 and it is working.
> Now I'm cross compiling konqueror. I've configure konqueror with options:-
> CC=ppc_405-gcc CXX=ppc_405-g++ AR=ppc_405-ar RANLIB=ppc_405-ranlib
> STRIP=ppc_405-strip ./configure --enable-qt-embedded --enable-embedded
> --host=i386 --target=ppc
> when compiling konqueror I'm getting following error-
> [...]

Please search the "xconfigure" script (which is for ARM targets) and modify
it for your processor. It sets a lot of other parameters and environment

A modified version can be found in:

It sets a little more variables as I also use it to configure other

You will need to call it something like:

QTDIR=/path/to/cross/qt xconfigure /path/to/configure --options

If you don't use vpaths and you configure in the source directory then you
can skip /path/to/configure as ./configure will be used.

Remember you have to also set the paths at make time - that's what xmake is
used to, as well as building programs without a configure script.

 Paul Chitescu   ICQ:22641673
 Any spammers will be painfully squeezed into /dev/null