why konq/e say that it "Can't open framebuffer"?

Paul Chitescu konq-e@mail.kde.org
Wed, 9 Oct 2002 12:30:16 +0200

From: "Jiang" <Jiangj@viasoft.com.cn>:
> When I enter "./konqueror -qws", it say "Can't open framebuffer device
/dev/fb0. driver cannot connect. aborted".How shall I do?
>          Jiang

That message is not generated by konq-e but by the Qt/Embedded library.

In what environment are you working? It seems there is no framebuffer device
compiled in kernel or it's not functional or it is in use by something else.

If you want to use the emulator (virtual framebuffer, qvfb) you must compile
Qt/Embedded with emulator support.

If you already have Qt/E programs running you should not provide the -qws
parameter so konq-e attaches to the running server.

 Paul Chitescu
 pchitescu@null.ro   http://pchitescu.null.ro/   ICQ:22641673
 Any spammers will be painfully squeezed into /dev/null