Slow konqe on a PXA250

Paul Chitescu
Wed, 20 Nov 2002 21:44:39 +0200

> [...]
> Secondly, Konq/e (AFAIK) doesn't do progressive display of content like
> rest of the web browsers, it first gets everything and then displays it
> all at one go (am I right Simon and Paul?)

It does display only the fully loaded elements for which the layout can be
computed but it postpones the layout of incomplete elements or those that
depend on others.

In a page with <BODY WIDTH="something_computable"> each paragraph is
displayed as it loads.

You may also notice that the intermediary layout is redone when the CSS
files finish loading. And there's a bug in there, CSS font sizes override
the minimum font size specified in preferencs.

> > I've also produced a text file using 30 K text (the GPL license) and
> > displaying this here takes roughly 12-15 seconds.
> Thats again a problem of non-progressive display of content.

I disagree. About 15s takes me to load a 360K HTML file generated from a
very wide XLS - so it's a table with many narrow columns (but still about 4
screenfulls wide) which take a while to display even on a more powerfull

> I guess thats one area Konq/e needs to address with utmost priority.

I personally don't find it very disturbing.

> ~Mayuresh


 Paul Chitescu   ICQ:22641673
 Any spammers will be painfully squeezed into /dev/null