konqueror-embedded-cvs help

Paul Chitescu konq-e@mail.kde.org
Wed, 6 Nov 2002 14:50:09 +0200

Please address your requests to the list, not to individual developers -
there are more chances someone has the knowdledge to answer.

----- Original Message -----
From: <blankfeng@boe.com.cn>
To: <Paul.Chitescu@IMC-Group.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 11:41
Subject: konqueror-embedded-cvs help

> Dear Paul,
>  Hello,Good morning,I'm a Chinese system programmer,now ,I have some
questions about konqueror-embedded,Can you help me?
>   Now I'm using
qt-embedded-2.3.4-snapshot-20021028,qtopia-free-1.6.0-snapshot-20021028 and
konqueror-embedded-cvs-20021010,I can compiled qt-emd and qtopia success,but
I can't compiled konqueror-embedded-cvs-20021010 success.it tell me there
are some errors at /kdenox/konqe-embed/add-ons/kflshparts/Makefile.am at 21
lines.when I deleted
"libkflashpart-la-DEPENDENCIES=flashlib/libflash.la",compiled success.

Most likely you have an older version of the Gnu maketools than the current
ones we use - autoconf (2.53), automake (1.6) or libtool (1.3.5)

> Now,I can succeed to compile all files.but when I run konqueror at the
opia.it can't display flash.and when I run konqueror at opia,it can display
html with overseas ports,for example http://cn.yahoo.com and
http://www.microsoft.com/China ,but when I scan native pors,for example
http://www.sina.com.cn,http://www.163.com,konqueror will be closed by
itself.Why can it not scan native ports?Can you help me?
>   Thank you very much for your help .Thank you.
> yours blank
> ''''''''''

I don't understand what you say above. What do you call "overseas ports" and
"native ports"?

Anyway, all the above addresses work for me although all Chinese text is
replaced by black bars (I don't have fonts with Chinese characters, only
Latin, Cyrilic, Greek and a subset of some others). The pages look similar
in the desktop version of Konqueror or in Mozilla.

You should start konqueror from a console and capture (or redirect) the
stdout and stderr so that you can see the messages.


 Paul Chitescu
 pchitescu@null.ro   http://pchitescu.null.ro/   ICQ:22641673
 Any spammers will be painfully squeezed into /dev/null