JavaScript Quality..

Simon Hausmann
Wed, 6 Mar 2002 23:07:59 +0100

On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 05:32:01AM -0800, konqu guy wrote:
> Hi,
> I am analysing the Javascript support quality in
> Embedded browser.
> Can anybody please help me figure out these..
> 1. Does Javascript support in Konq-e is complete
> (ECMA-262 stuff) ?

I'm not entirely sure, but I guess most portions of the ECMA
standard are covered. However the ECMA standard as-is is far away
from being sufficient for todays web-browsing. The KDE javascript
implementation implements a bunch of Netscape and IE extensions, the
support for that however is not complete (I guess one can't reach
100% :) . A lot of impressive work has gone into the HEAD javascript
implementation and the html bindings. I'm looking forward to switch
konq/e to HEAD khtml and kjs as soon as Qtopia does. That will bring
a lot of improvements on the rendering side as well as on the
javascript side. A real lot.

> 2. If anything missing, what is that ?

See for some hints :)

> 3. How we rate quality wise, Konq-e vis-a-vis Desktop
> Konqueror ?

It should be equivalent to the KDE 2.2.2 desktop konqueror, more or
less. (except for netscape and java plugins)
