[Konq/E] Same problems now as ever

Imad Hussain konq-e@mail.kde.org
Sat, 23 Feb 2002 18:55:29 -0500

On Fri, 22 Feb 2002 20:14:24 +0100
Simon Hausmann <hausmann@kde.org> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 22, 2002 at 12:05:37PM -0500, Imad Hussain wrote:
> > Well, the makefile in
> > D/konqueror-embedded-snapshot-20020219/konq-embed/kdesrc/khtml/misc
> > doesn't seem to have a '-02' switch anywhere in it. The thing is, I
> > don't get why the 'map["black"]...' lines (43-60) eat up so much
> > memory-- if I comment out just the color maps, the file compiles in
> > just under 85 MB of memory (according to top). In fact, if I leave
> > even one of these lines in, it won't compile ("virtual memory
> > exhausted").
> Hmm, which compiler are you using? Any special compiler flags?
> (how much swap do you have installed? :-)

I'm using gcc with no special flags. I've got 64 MB of physical RAM and
250+ MB of swap. I tried increasing this with a swap file to ~500 MB,
but there's no difference. The vm exhausted error comes up usually
around the point where gcc (cc1) is eating about 120-130 MB of memory
(when I'm running gmake as root -- if I run it as a user, ulimit allows
no more than 60 MB of memory for a process).

> > Another problem is that konq crashes as soon as I try to get it to
> > load a page (the menus and preferences dialogue work):
> > 
> >   Launcher::dispatchLoop()...
> >   Xlib:  extension "RENDER" missing on display ":0.0".
> >   debug: KHTMLPart::init this=0x569000 d=0x56e800
> >   QAction::setAccel()  (saveDocument) requires widget in parent
> >   chain. debug: dcopclient::send
> >   debug: creating slave for http://www.kde.org/
> >   error sending launcherCreateSlaveCmd: Invalid argument
>     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>     Aha! Looks like there is some difference in the socket API
>     between Linux and OpenBSD in terms of the interpretation of the
>     passed arguments. (which confuses me, given that the API in
>     linux is derived from the BSD sockets, no?)
> Hmm, according to the sendmsg manage from openbsd.org EINVAL can
> happen only in two situations:
> * The flags parameter is invalid.
> * The sum of the iov_len values in the msg_iov array overflowed an
> ssize_t.
> I can't see what's wrong with passing 0 for the flags (I don't need
> any of the MSG_* ones) . And I can't imagine that sizeof( LauncherMsg
> ) overflows an ssize_t...
> I have to admit I'm a bit puzzled. Could this perhaps be a kernel
> problem? 

Well, it's possible, but I do know that there are ports of Konqueror
(full) available as part of the KDE package for OpenBSD. Maybe I (or
you, if you have the time) should look at the patches for the KDE
OpenBSD port (
http://www.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/cvsweb/ports/x11/kde/base2/patches/ ) and
see how that works?

                                                           Imad Hussain
+========== GBAfan Editor in Chief == http://www.gbafan.net ==========+
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