[HEAD branch] a couple of advices

Luciano konq-e@mail.kde.org
Mon, 23 Dec 2002 15:54:34 +0100

On Monday 23 December 2002 00:16, Simon Hausmann wrote:

> interfaces/kio/html.h as well. Sorry :) . I agree with your idea of
> copying over the directory and the file as part of prepare_kde_src.


> I see two solutions: Either copy over ksslconfig.h.in (as part of
> the build process) , which is what ksslconfig.h is generated from or
> we go for your solution with a dummy ksslconfig.h that includes
> config.h . Both are somewhat equivalent, but I think the former is
> more future proof. Might be that George adds more things to
> ksslconfig.h(.in) in the future.

All right.
I have committed the changes discussed above, and I will look at the
UDSEntry problem.

> Ahh, UDSEntry, I see. Yes, you're right on that, sorry I missed that
> tiny detail. Hmmm, unfortunately I don't have the konq/e sources
> here right now. Offhand I'd say re-using the one from kdelibs should
> be fine. IIRC it should require only a minor adjustement in the
> KFileItem wrapper (holding the stat result in the real uds entry) .

> Simon
> P.S.: Apologizes for the delays (in the replies) . My net access is
> currently limited to email over dial-up, rather infrequent, due to
> me being on xmas holidays.

No problem. I am on holyday too, but with a flu (getting better),
so I got bored and played around a bit with konq-e.
Enjoy your holiday,=20
