[PATCH] font selection on konq/e cvs

Paul Chitescu konq-e@mail.kde.org
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 10:50:18 +0200

> This caused by miscommunication between konq/e and khtml. Konq/e
> saves the font settings to konq-embedrc by Preferences::save(),
> but khtml is read font names from khtmlrc *only*, although other
> font settings (i.e. font sizes) is overridden by konq-embedrc.

Mea culpa. I commited a version that should have been used only internally.

I have khtmlrc a symlink to konq-embedrc. The reason is the stupid mode in
which khtml loads preferences from these files.

> I believed that Preferences::save() should rolled back to save
> preferences to khtmlrc. A patch attached this mail worked so.

Your patch is largely exaggerated. Just change "#if 0" to "#if 1" and it
reverts to the old behaviour.
