filters (was: kdenox vs. the rest of the world)

Paul Chitescu
Mon, 8 Apr 2002 15:27:56 +0300

> [...]
> About the actual text/plain implementation... I'm not 100% sure
> what's the best approach. One thing I have in mind is a filter-like
> system, where a filter gets put on top of what the iojo delivers as
> data. By default there's no filter, for text/plain there could be a
> filter that just encloses the data within a <pre> tag.
> [...]

I think the best way is to have filters for MIME types as well as for

Of course we have to actually call the filter, so we should slightly expand
the stub trader and use its methods. Maybe a small version of KSyCoCa that
loads from a file (yeah, Registry, phew!) instead of scanning the

Simon, are you aware that the current implementation ignores server sent
types? It tries to interpret the data as image - if it succeeds it's
"image/*" else it's "text/html". Explicitly declared types in an embedded
object are however handed over to the part which only encloses "image/*"
with an <img src=""> so other types can't be seen full-screen.

 Paul Chitescu   ICQ:22641673
 Any spammers will be painfully squeezed into /dev/null