Changes to libdiff2 regarding apply/unapply diff.
Dmitry Risenberg
dmitry.risenberg at
Sun Jan 30 17:33:13 CET 2011
Hello kompare devs.
I am working on KDevelop interactive patch highlighting, and I need to
introduce some changes to libdiff2. The most important one is changing
differences location whenever a difference is applied/unapplied. For
example, when a difference is unapplied, all the following differences
have their destinationLineNumber updated, as if this particular
difference has never existed. Currently libdiff2 doesn't do anything
like this - apply/unapply only changes a flag in the difference. I
want to know whether such change may break anything, because I haven't
found any tests for libdiff2 and don't know the kompare code to judge
from it.
Please CC me as I am not subscribed to the list.
Dmitry Risenberg
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