Using the KomparePart in KDevelop

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Jul 30 21:46:21 UTC 2009

On 30.07.09 23:33:01, Kevin Kofler wrote:
> I wrote:
> > 4.3.0 has already been tagged, I think it's too late unless we 1. commit it
> > really quickly AND 2. persuade Dirk to respin kdesdk (which is unlikely
> > given that it's not a critical fix).
> PS: And the tarballs have already been released to packagers and imported into 
> the build systems of some distributions. This happens within only hours of the 
> tagging.
> Next time, if you want to get something into a release, you have to get it in 
> BEFORE the tagging date.

Having it in KDE 4.3.1 is just fine, kdevelop still has quite a bit of
road ahead before a release. So if its ok for you to break the binary
compatibility of the kompareinterface library within a patchlevel
release, then comitting the patch into the branch and increasing the
SOVERSION of the library is enough :)


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