Menu selection terminology: was Bank of Scotland and Wise

mh at mh at
Tue Feb 14 18:55:16 GMT 2023

On Dienstag, 14. Februar 2023 13:24:10 CET Thomas Baumgart via KMyMoney wrote:
> On Montag, 13. Februar 2023 16:07:13 CET mh--- via KMyMoney wrote:
> > 
> > I tried to map my account (Konto) at the Bank of Scotland.
> > Now that the menu items exist, they also are available and I was able to
> > map the account to the bank named Bank of Scotland.
> > I also created a user with Offline-Backend and an account in aqbanking.
> > Was that correct?
> Usually, it makes sense to use the account mapping for direct online access.
> In Germany the HBCI/FinTS method is used and other countries have OFX. Both
> allow direct connect where KMyMoney directly talks to the bank's server and
> interacts via a defined protocol. This method is also sometimes referred to
> as 'online'. Please be aware that the general public also speaks of 'online
> banking' when they actually mean 'web based banking'.
> I was not aware of the offline backend in AqBanking but think it is simply
> used for file imports. For your use case (Bank of Scotland providing OFX
> downloadable files) that may work, but using KMyMoney's web-connect feature
> is much more elegant because you
> a) access your bank account through a browser,
> b) select the OFX downloadable file,
> c) select KMyMoney as the application to open the downloadable OFX file
>    directly in your browser,
> d) import the data into KMyMoney w/o the detour of a file and
> e) don't need to setup/use AqBanking for it.
> For this method, an online mapping of the account is not needed at all.
> Hope that helps. If anything is still unclear, please let us know.

I think, I now got the relations between the various topics relevant for doing 
"online banking", thx a lot.
Unfortunately for me Bank of Scotland offers only PDF and Excel for 
downloading the list of transactions, as it seems.
The description from your first mail:
"Login to the banks website, then choose Statements > Download or export 
transactions. You can then select which account to download, and the date 
isn't usable, because I nowhere can find "Statements" or the German equivalent 
on the website after login. Maybe it is only available for British customers 
of the Bank of Scotland.
I get "Umsätze" and then "Dokumente", where I can choose between PDF and 


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