Bank of Scotland and Wise

Jack ostroffjh at
Sun Feb 12 19:18:14 GMT 2023

On 2023.02.12 13:53, mh--- via KMyMoney wrote:
> On Sonntag, 12. Februar 2023 19:03:42 CET Jack via KMyMoney wrote:
> > On 2/12/23 12:56, mh--- via KMyMoney wrote:
> [...]
> > I'll have to reread the entire thread to be sure, but I think it  
> should
> > have been pretty clear, starting from the link Thomas provided (to  
> an
> > external discussion, not to the KMyMoney handbook) that Bank of  
> Scotland
> > does NOT support direct connect, and I'm pretty sure I repeated  
> that.
> Thomas wrote "Looks like they support OFX file download."
> After reading the doc he pointed to, I wanted to try the direct OFX  
> connect
> to test, if they would support this, too.
I believe by saying that they supported OFX file download, he was also  
implying that they did not support direct connect, which was also made  
clear in the link.
> > KMyMoney cannot use a method that is not supported by the bank.   
> With
> > Bank of Scotland, you will need to go to their website and download  
> an
> > OFX file, and then import it into KMyMoney.  Once you have that  
> working,
> > you can configure your browser to open OFX files with KMyMoney  
> directly,
> > instead of having to save them to disk and then explicitly import  
> them.
> >
> > Separately, and just for confirmation, is the Account/Map function  
> not
> > available to you, or is the problem that Bank of Scotland is not on  
> the
> > downloaded list once you start the wizard?
> No, the problem is, that the menu topics are not available.
> I not even get to a point, where I can tell, what is supported by the  
> Bank and
> what isn't.
I wonder if there is just a language problem.  When you say "the menu  
topics are not available" I understand that those selections are not  
present in the menu at all.  Is that what you mean, or just that they  
do not work as you expect?  (You might post once in your language.  We  
can use Google Translate, and there are also some native German  
speakers on the list.)

You keep saying menu topics are not present, but you also said that  
File/Import/OFX is present, and presents many options.  Is there any  
reason you do not try that method?  As far as I can tell, that is your  
best option.

Since Bank of Scotland does not support direct connect, it doesn't  
really matter, but is "Map account..." not present on the Account menu  
list, or present but disabled?  If that is the case, you need to take  
it up with openSUSE.  If the menu item is present, and you start the  
wizard, you will find that Bank of Scotland is not on the list.

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