Windows 5.1.3 slow and crashes

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Thu Oct 6 12:32:08 BST 2022

Hi Phil,

 > With the recent download of KMyMoney 5.1.3 being made available, I 
 > bit the bullet and attempted to move on up from 4.8.0.

thanks for testing.

 > Yeah, the attempt element is the unfortunate bit.

I am sorry for what you have experienced. We will do our best to correct 
these errors.

 > Whilst I am grateful to see a Windows build, the performance and
 > stability is not very good. The good news is I can run the old
 > version side by side (more thankfully on a different data set (older
 > copy of my existing data)).

Yes, this is good.

 > So do let me know what if anything you may need from me.

see below.

 >  Some of the issues seen.
 > 1: It doesn't contain any holiday data, so my schedules simply work 
 > to Friday and can't follow the "move to next working day rule".

This issue was tracked with 
and will be fixed in the next release.

 > 2: Performing in startup is very slow, to the point I am not sure if 
it is
 > even doing something. I will see the splash screen as expected, it will
 > then go away, but it can be upto 15 seconds before the main window will
 > load.

 > 3: Navigating between different primary views (Home, Institutions,
 > Accounts, Tags, Forecast...) has been slightly sluggish. The best
 > description I can give is it felt like being on hotel WiFi - it 
works, but don't expect to get stuff done fast.

These issues are tracked with, but were not reproducable.

It may be that some 3rdparty application is responsible for your bad 

 > Just by comparison, when reverting back to 4.8.0, it was lightning 
quick by comparison. Quick to start and navigate.
 > 4: There is something wrong with the Forecasting function. Performance
 > takes an absolute nosedive if trying to use it, and that is
regardless of the settings used to apply forecasting in the plugin config.

May also related to issue 2.

 > At a couple of points, KMyMoney became unresponsive for 20 - 40
 > seconds, and in one case never recovered and required I terminate
the application>

This may be related to issue 2.

 > 5: The forecasting graph on the home page has random quality 
problems. One
 > moment it renders in full quality, other times it's very blocky, as 
if it's
 > consuming 100% of the same width/height, but with only 10% of the 

This has been tracked at and 
will be fixed in the next release.

 > 6: I have had outright crashes with KMyMoney simply stopping.
 > No error, just termination. I have not seen a pattern to this,
 > though it has only happened on three occasions so far.

In the installation there is also the gdb debugger included, which could 
be used to start the application by open a command shell in the 'bin' 
dir of the installation and run

     gdb kmymoney.exe

then press 'r' <ENTER> to start the application.

If the application crashes the debugger will prompt. Please enter 'bt' 
<ENTER> to see a backtrace.

 > Let me know if there is any detail you would want to assist with this
 > further.

If you find reproducable bugs, feel free to open an associated bug 


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