Tags in reports

Jack ostroffjh at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Nov 17 21:56:17 GMT 2022

On 2022.11.17 16:48, Louis-Philippe Allard via KMyMoney wrote:
> Hello Thomas,
> I am pretty sure I already asked in the past but I cannot find traces  
> if I did or not.  I am doing some projects on my home and I am  
> entering a lot of transactions in KMM under many different categories.
> For my reporting and government subsidies, I have created tags to  
> assign to transactions and be able to use them for reporting.
> It seems that if I assign a tag to a standalone transaction, it shows  
> up in the reports and in the tags section of the program, but any  
> split transactions will not show up anywhere....
> Other than creating multiple transactions out of a split  
> ttransaction, is there a workaround for this to work?  IMO tags are  
> really useful for grouping transactions together, ex. projects or  
> anything like that...

Have you tried applying tags directly to each split?

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