KMyMoney Digest, Vol 136, Issue 7

Jack ostroffjh at
Fri Feb 18 14:51:55 GMT 2022

Note that you are not moving the shares, you are moving the transactions 
related to the shares (buy, sell, add, remove, ...) I also believe that 
this does not actually give you completely correct reporting for the 
account receiving the shares.  It may be a minor point, but to me it 
would seem odd that the funds to buy the shares came from a  Brokerage 
account for a different investment account.  Your memo does help with 
recognizing this, but you HAVE altered the history.  For me, though, it 
is more of a problem for the original account.   Money will have left 
that account's brokerage account on the day the shares were purchased, 
but without the shares being added, it just looks like  a decrease in 
the value of the account.  I'm not really sure what the correct 
accounting is in terms of reporting on gains and losses, but KMM will 
not match the statements while the shares were actually held in the 
original account.  I think at this point it comes down to what you are 
comfortable with.

On 2/18/22 08:16, Michael Carpino via KMyMoney wrote:
> Another option would be to use the move option for the shares.  This 
> retains the original information for the shares (purchase date, 
> quantity, price) and the reporting is correct.  How I've done this in 
> the past is first I filtered the shares I wanted to move by using the 
> option at the top of the ledger.  I would add a note in the memo by 
> editing the transaction stating the move.  My memo was something like, 
> "Transferred shares on February 14, 2022 from ABC Brokerage to XYZ 
> Brokerage".  I copied and pasted this in order to simplify things a 
> bit. Next I would right click in the ledger the transaction containing 
> the shares to be moved, select "Move transaction to" select the 
> account they're going to and you're done.  You have to do this for 
> each individual company and shares but it keeps the reporting correct.
> [snip....]

>   1. Re: How to move funds from one depot to another (Jack)
>     ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     Message: 1
>     Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2022 10:43:49 -0500
>     From: Jack <ostroffjh at>
>     To: kmymoney at
>     Subject: Re: How to move funds from one depot to another
>     Message-ID:
>             <2ac2bd30-9589-cc44-54b9-937f5ca6f6ed at>
>     Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
>     On 2/16/22 16:36, Stefan via KMyMoney wrote:
>     > Hello,
>     >
>     > i have a question one how to move funds/shares between two
>     accounts. For money its easy - there is a special
>     > action for that adding the out and in for each account. But how
>     about funds/shares? I can remove them from
>     > the old account and add them to the new one only it seems. But
>     doing this completely messes up the investment reports.
>     > After the move i have two lines there - one for the removed with
>     a total loss and another one for the new
>     > account with a profit measured in astronomical units (something
>     around 343436363636363%)
>     Hello Stefan,
>     Unfortunately, there is no type of transaction to simply transfer
>     shares
>     between two different investment accounts.  The best way now is
>     just to
>     use a "remove shares" and "add shares."  As you noticed, this does
>     result in incorrect reporting.  There is already an open bug to track
>     this issue: bug 328575. Unfortunately, I do not expect that this
>     will be
>     addressed very soon, and it would probably be done as part of a large
>     revision of the entire handling of investments.
>     Jack
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