KMyMoney 5.1.3 released, but where is the install package ?

Philippe Debrabant pdebrabant at
Sun Aug 14 10:51:47 BST 2022

Hello all,

Thanks Thomas for your work. I've downloaded the 5.1.3 version, built it 
and install it on my Linux Mint desktop. It runs fine.

I'd like to install this version to my laptop also. As I can't find an 
install package, I'm wandering if I can install the application from a 
network share. Doing "make install" directly from this share doesn't 
work as the application files path in the install files are not resolved.

What should I do ? Get the sources on the laptop and build them ? Create 
a deb or rpm package on my desktop and install it on the laptop ? if 
yes, how should I do ? A make parameter ?

Thanks for your help

Le 07/08/2022 à 10:54, Thomas Baumgart via KMyMoney a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> actually already last week, the KMyMoney maintenance version 5.1.3 was released. I simply forgot to send out the notification here.
> More information can be found as usual on the KMyMoney website at
> Have fun.

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