sub investment account of investment account

Jack ostroffjh at
Mon Sep 27 18:22:01 BST 2021

On 9/26/21 01:36, Andy Chung via KMyMoney wrote:
> Hi thomas et al,
> Using 5.1.2.
> I am trying to create a new investment account as child of another 
> existing investment account. But encounter error message (investment 
> account can only have stock account as children mymoneyfile.cpp:990).
> Notice in 
> "Investment account cannot contain other accounts so they are not 
> shown in the tree"
> Is it not possible/not logical to do that? Thanks.

Hello Andy,

I have not looked in the code, but I think you probably found a real 
limitation.  Currently, the only sub-accounts of an investment account 
are those for the individual stocks/equities held in that investment 
account.  I don't know how difficult it would be to allow another 
investment account as a sub-account, but I can imagine it would require 
some reworking of the code.  If you're really interested, you could open 
a "wishlist" bug on so at least the request doesn't get 

To help our understanding of the situation, can you say why you want to 
have nested investment accounts?  Someone might also be able to suggest 
a reasonable workaround.


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