Feature request

Ivan Perez ivanperezdominguez at gmail.com
Tue Jan 26 21:26:41 GMT 2021


> Ivan,
> On Dienstag, 26. Januar 2021 02:18:45 CET Ivan Perez wrote:
> >* Hi all
> *> >* The reports currently convert amounts to the base currency of the category.
> *> >* I'd like to request one or two new features:
> *> >* - Keep amounts in original currency in account (regardless of the currency
> *>* of the categories shown in the report).
> *
> That is how KMyMoney works. Each category and account can be denominated in a specific currency.
> The user has the option to select it when creating the currency (which defaults to
> the base currency). Once a category is used, the currency cannot be changed anymore.
> https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/extragear-office/kmymoney/details.categories.html#details. <https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/extragear-office/kmymoney/details.categories.html#details.categories.create>categories <https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/extragear-office/kmymoney/details.categories.html#details.categories.create>.create <https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/extragear-office/kmymoney/details.categories.html#details.categories.create>
> Yes, I understand that that's the way it works. But I am proposed that the
way categories are used be changed.

> >* - Force all amounts to appear in a specific currency (converting if
> *>* transaction unavailable in that currency).
> *
> Reports have an option to convert values to base currency. You can turn that off.
> https://docs.kde.org/stable5/en/extragear-office/kmymoney/details.reports.config.html
> I had already tried that, of course. I mean specify the language of the
report irrespective of the default currency of the book or the categories
- Imagine you have a book with default category in USD.
- You have EUR entries in some accounts, but classified in USD categories
to avoid having to duplicate the categories.
- When you get a report, if things are classified by category and account.
Amounts in USD-categories will appear in USD regardless of the original
currency of the *transaction*. I propose that that be changed.

I'd like to be able to tick a box that says "keep all amounts in original
currency of the transaction in the ledger", and even "keep all amounts in
currency XXX regardless of the original currency".


On Mon, 25 Jan 2021 at 20:18, Ivan Perez <ivanperezdominguez at gmail.com>

> Hi all
> The reports currently convert amounts to the base currency of the category.
> I'd like to request one or two new features:
> - Keep amounts in original currency in account (regardless of the currency
> of the categories shown in the report).
> - Force all amounts to appear in a specific currency (converting if
> transaction unavailable in that currency).
> Something like this will be extremely convenient to analyze transactions,
> income and expenses of multi-currency books.
> All the best,
> Ivan
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