Debits and Credits ... and Ledgers

None None jvapr27 at
Mon Jan 18 22:41:21 GMT 2021

Hi all! 

I was wondering what the community's thoughts are on this: 

I noticed that the ledgers in KMyMoney(Please can we just call it MyMoney or My-Money? :) ), show the Debits and Credits opposite of where I would expect them(from my limited accounting experience). Meaning opposite of what is usually the custom in the USA. 

Debit vs. Credit: An Accounting Reference Guide (+Examples)

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Debit vs. Credit: An Accounting Reference Guide (+Examples)

Mary Girsch-Bock

Understand the difference between debits vs. credits with this guide from The Blueprint, which also provides mul...



Is KMyMoney set up this way because it is customary in another place? 

What if KMY allowed users to select in what orders they would see the Debit/Credit accounts in the ledger? 

What do you guys think? 



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