Building KMyMoney 5.1.0

Jack ostroffjh at
Mon Jun 15 15:25:32 BST 2020

On 6/15/20 10:04 AM, Jochen Schmidt wrote:
> Am 15.06.2020 um 01:02 schrieb Jack:
>> OK.  I got an answer from the documentation mailing list.
>> Although the original docbook just uses the word ASCII, there was an entity
>> for it defined in a more recent version of the tools used to process the
>> documentation than are present in your version of Kubuntu.  In your case,
>> you can simply delete the po directory, since you don't intentially
>> generate any translated versions, just the English.  (My guess, is that the
>> entity is used in those locales mentioned in the error messages - Italian
>> and Catalan.  I'm not really sure about UK English.
>> Note this does not address the problem in the cmake output of a too old
>> libalkimia.  Even if you fix the docs issue, the build will likely fail
>> later on, possibly even at the final linking stage.
> Seems that it's better to wait until it's fixed in the source tree. Thomas?

An update from the documentation list suggests we should request the 
Catalan team to not use the ASCII entity until it is used in the 
original docbook.  That might require a respin, but it would only be 
necessary for anyone trying to compile with translations and with a 
version of kdoctools below 5.50.

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