Bug report (was: Re: KMyMoney 5.0.8 released)

Jochen jochen at r-ci.de
Sat Jan 25 11:15:10 GMT 2020


Am 20.01.2020 um 10:02 schrieb Thomas Baumgart:

> the next maintenance version of KMyMoney has been released. Details can be found on https://blog.bembel.net/2020/01/kmymoney-5-0-8-released/

small but annoying bug.

If I enter a new income in an investment depot as a split transaction
consisting of interest and tax(es) as follows:

interest: 10 Eur
fees: 1 Eur (income tax 1), 0,1 Eur (income tax 2)

I get in the lower right part of the screen (Date, amount of fees, sum) no
updates on the fees and terefore no correct display of sum. If I save the
entry the transaction is entered right as:
income from interest: 10 Eur
sum of fees: 1,10 Eur
value: 8,90 Eur.

If I want to see if I entered the transaction without typos I have to save
it first. If I recall correct in 5.0.7 the transaction value has been
calculated before saving the transaction.

Thomas, please let me know if it's written in a way you understand what I
mean. My financial English is -- hmm -- ...

Greetings, Jochen

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