Unable to select Finance::Quote as online source

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Mon Jan 13 08:39:21 GMT 2020

Am 10.01.20 um 13:42 schrieb Ralf Habacker:
> Am 10.01.20 um 12:20 schrieb Jochen:
>> In "older" versions of KMyMoney it's just not working. Source is empty.
>> In the version from GIT I don't have a reliable source.
>>>> Therefore I'll wait until release of 5.0.8.
>>> I suspect that will give you the same results as you get from compiling
>>> from git.  Do you expect something different?
>> Yes. Full set of language files. ;-) But I can wait for release.
> At least for Finance::Quote, which is a 3rdparty project,
>   you may inspect and/or report errors at 
> https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Status=Active&Name=Finance-Quote 

One of the main problems with these online sources is that each 
application or project (e.g. Skrooge, KMyMoney, Finance::Quote) provides 
an independent set of online sources in different formats and with 
different implementations (C++/Qt,Perl) and therefore must be maintained 
independently, which ties up resources.


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