Software nicht als FinTS-Produkt registriert

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Thu Dec 10 16:03:44 GMT 2020


On Donnerstag, 10. Dezember 2020 16:55:27 CET Jack wrote:

> On 12/10/20 7:03 AM, Michael Berger wrote:
> > Dear folks,
> >
> > since two days I fail to update my bank accounts,
> > any hints?
> In addition to Doug's suggestion about running from command line, if you 
> want help, you need to provide more information.  We do ask for a lot 
> of  details, but until we actually identify the cause of the problem, 
> any bit of information can help.
> I assume you mean on-line updating - are you using the built-in OFX 
> importer, or are you using aqbanking?  From the title, am I correct that 
> you are in Europe, and using aqbanking?  If so, what versions of 
> KMyMoney and aqbanking  are you using, and which OS/Distribution are you 
> using?  What exact (if any) error message(s) are you getting?  When did 
> you last do a successful update?

His KMyMoney/AqBanking combination is too old for this. His version does
not support the PSD2 stuff. (I got a PM from him with all the necessary
information and already answered).

I agree, a bit more information would have been helpful.



Thomas Baumgart       Signal, the better WhatsApp
The words GUESS and KNOW when used in the context of
flying may produce entirely opposite results.
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