KMyMoney Fail opening file.

Jack ostroffjh at
Thu Feb 7 14:53:14 GMT 2019

Hello Cesar,

I cannot help you without more information.  You can start by answering 
some of the questions I asked.  What version of KMM are you using?  Are 
you on Windows (which version) or Linux (which Distro) or something 
else?  Do you have a backup of your file? I'm also not sure what link 
you are asking for.

Please help us help you by providing enough information.


On 2/7/19 8:15 AM, Cesar Tadeu Descardeci wrote:
> Hi  Jack !
> Excuse me, but  I need your  help  to  tell me  HOW  do  I  start  the 
> process properly.
> I've looked  for  and  I  could not.
> Can you send me the  Link, Please ?
> Because  I really  need  help  to  solve  this problem  which  the 
> people  probably  know  the answer.
> Thanks
> Cesar
> Em seg, 4 de fev de 2019 às 20:46, Jack 
> <ostroffjh at 
> <mailto:ostroffjh at>> escreveu:
>     On 2019.02.04 15:43, Cesar Tadeu Descardeci wrote:
>     > Hi  Folks !
>     > I'm writing because my KmyMoney suddenly  does not open the same
>     file
>     > that
>     > I've been working from more than a Year !
>     > Suddenly  it  presents  these error messages:
>     > "File  Protocol fail "  and  it  says  that  I am  using an  Old
>     file
>     > format and  that  I need to install an Old versionn 0.8.x  of
>     > Kymymoney !
>     > I've tried  many things  including  re installations, complete
>     Clean
>     > of my
>     > computer and a few others without  success !
>     > I really  don't  know  what's going on !  And  how to fix it !
>     >
>     > Can  anyone help ?   I'd  appreciate very much !
>     >
>     > Thank you.
>     >
>     > Cesar Tadeu
>     Hello Cesar,
>     First, when starting a new topic, please create a new message.  If
>     you
>     reply to another message, some people might not see it, if they don't
>     want to read any more about the old topic.
>     Second, we need some additional information to help you.  What
>     version
>     of KMyMoney are you running?  What Operating System and which
>     distribution if it is Linux?  Can you confirm you did not see any
>     errors the last time you saved the file?
>     Before doing anything else, make a backup copy of your data file.
>     Also, do you have any backups of your file?  That would help in case
>     there really is a problem with your file.
>     The error about needing to use a very old version of KMyMoney is
>     because the program does not recognize the file as a proper KMyMoney
>     data file.  The question is why not, and what might have happened to
>     the file.  What is the output of "file <filename>" ? What is the size
>     of the file?
>     We can make more suggestions when we have some further information.
>     Jack
> -- 
> /*Cesar T. Descardeci*/
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