import from GNUCash-3.x

Saša Janiška gour at
Sat Dec 14 16:19:46 GMT 2019


few days ago I migrated from Debian/GNOME to Manjaro/KDE. For many years
I as using either GNOME or Xfce and now Im ust admit that I like
Plasma. :-)

That's why I'm considering if KMymoney could repalce GNUCash..I'm
interested whether its budget features provide support for envelope
budgeting which is, afaict, present in Skrooge that budget's difference
can e carried over from one month to the other. Another feature might be
taht customizing reports are easier than in GC

However, my current personal.gnucash is 17M covering the span of many
years and I can't import it, so wonder if the following statement from
the docs: "The KMyMoney GnuCash importer handles direct reading of
standard (XML) files as produced by GnuCash versions 1.8 and 2.0" is
still true with a no way to import GC-3.x files?[1]

Any plan in regard for the future?


[1]  using CSV/QIF importers would probably require too much time/effor.

What is night for all beings is the time of awakening
for the self-controlled; and the time of awakening for
all beings is night for the introspective sage.

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