Investment appreciation forecast

Jack ostroffjh at
Mon Oct 29 20:37:02 GMT 2018


I think this would be a good thing to file as a wishlist at, so it doesn't get forgotten.

Also, before worrying about coding, and whether it could be a plugin or  
needs to be part of the core forecast or budgeting code, it would help  
if you could create a more detailed description of how it would work -  
what data to start with and what forumla(s) to apply, and how the  
results would look - either in budget or forecast or possibly even a  
specific investment report.

Minor issue, especially when replying to a digest, please consider  
trimming out anything not relevant to your reply (see my example below)



On 2018.10.29 12:02, Alexandre Perali wrote:
> Thank you, Thomas,
> The problem is that some kind of investment has a compound  
> calculation that
> I'd like to set up in forecast. If it was possible to include some  
> kind of
> formula there would be perfect.
> It is usable for someone that is living from investment and need to  
> know
> what's the speed they are consuming their NW and what is their  
> prospective
> future.
> It's an income but based on specific investment account monthly  
> balance.
> I dont think KMM devs are planning to include this feature and if I  
> get a
> 'good teacher' I could try to learn how to develop some plugin for  
> that.
> Em seg, 29 de out de 2018 às 12:00, <kmymoney-request at>  
> escreveu:
> > On Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2018 15:51:55 CET Alexandre Perali wrote:
> >
> > > Is there anyway to include in budget or forecast an estimation of  
> a given
> > > investment appreciation and compare it with the actuals?
> > > Im thinking to do it in order to get a better net worth forecast  
> curve.
> >
> > You could probably add that to the forecast logic. In budgeting it  
> might
> > be trickier, though maybe doable on a monthly basis.

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