KMyMoney 4.6.6 - unable to delete or edit a transaction.

Eric Watson ea-watson at
Mon Jun 4 19:44:16 UTC 2018

Hi Jack,

I will answer your suggestions in the order made:

In the category field, (Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal) it shows as a 
Transfer and both the Pay to and Transfer to are completed correctly. I 
am aware of the error indications shown in KMM. I have also noticed that 
in addition to the grayed out Transfer pop-up list, the options above 
the Deposit, Transfer, Withdrawal are all grayed out except for New.

I have used KMM for a number of years and never have had a problem with 
correctly entering Transfers.

Could I have created a black hole?

When hovering over any transaction I have never noticed a tool tip. No 
tool tip appears in this case.

The account A1 was created on 23/8/15 and the 'bad' entry was created on 

I used the KMM consistency tool and it reported, "Finished: data is 
consistent". I downloaded KMM from Ubuntu and am not sure if your latest 
version would work correctly in xubuntu, hence the old version.

One further comment I have is that I have not transfered the money to 
the wrong account because if £500 was entered in B1 all of the accounts 
held in the bank are reconciled with those in KMM. I could bodge the 
result by making a cash entry of £500 in B1.


On 04/06/18 20:15, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> see my comments inline below
> On Montag, 4. Juni 2018 19:16:17 CEST Eric Watson wrote:
>> Hi Jack,
>> The actual pysical bank shows the transfer occurred correctly. It is the
>> entries in KMM which are incorrect. Account A1 is less £500 but account
>> B1 never received the transaction. Therefore the total Assets are £500
>> less than they should be in KMM. (Not in the actual bank!). £500 has
>> gone missing in KMM!
> That means, the transaction was recorded in A1 but it does not have B1 assigned to it. If you look at the transaction form when this transaction is selected, what does it show in the category field? In case it is empty, the transaction should be shown in red and an exclamation mark inside a yellow triangle should be shown in the register. In case that icon is not visible, the category must have something in it (thanks to double-entry accounting I am very sure about this).
>> If I delete the transaction in A1 I can then re-make it and hopefully,
>> this time it will show as a deposit by transfer in B1, making the Assets
>> total correct.
> Yes, make sure to use B1 as the category or 'transfer to'.
>> Well, for some reason the money left one account but did not appear in
>> the other in KMM.
> Please see above. I went somewhere and is not lost. There is no such thing as black holes in the KMyMoney application ;)
>> As  said in my post, yes I get a pop-up 'Transactions options' list when
>> hovering over the entry but the only entries in the list which are not
>> grayed out (unusable), are new, move or mark. Both delete and edit are
>> grayed out.
> This seems to be the case, when you press the right mouse button. This opens the so called context menu for the transaction. Hovering means to move the mouse over the transaction and then waiting for a so called tool-tip to appear. It could be, that nothing happens which is OK. In case KMyMoney identifies a problem it will tell you in this tool-tip.
> On the other hand, 4.6.6 is rather old. Could it be, that the transaction's post date is prior to the opening date of the account? You can see the account's opening date by selecting Account/Edit. It is one of the things I could think of why KMyMoney does not allow you to change the transaction.
>> On the same day, at the same time I made an identical £500 transfer from
>> A1 to C1 and the 'Transaction options' list is correct, all entries are
>> available, none grayed out and the transaction took place correctly.
>> The error therefore is; why are some entries grayed out? Also, why did
>> the transfer not appear in the other account?
> I hope I gave some explanations to both of the questions.
>> I have saved the file but don't know what you mean by, "consistency
>> check". It opens ok again without any change.
> See the menu Tools/Consistency check. You can run it manually and KMyMoney (at least newer versions and I am not sure about 4.6.6 right now) runs it automatically as part of the save operation. If you run it manually I expect it not to show any problems.
> In case all this does not help, please let us know what you found out while looking at the various things I mentioned above. We will get you going.
> Regards
> Thomas
>> On 04/06/18 17:29, Jack wrote:
>>> On 2018.06.04 11:40, Eric Watson wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> In my Ledger I have and entry which was made as a payment transfer of
>>>> funds to a savings account in the Ledger.
>>>> The funds were never actually transferred but are recorded in the
>>>> originating account as transferred.
>>>> eg. A1 account transfers £500 to B1 account. A1 account total is
>>>> correct but B1 account is £500 short.
>>>> I would like to delete the entry in A1 account and remake it so the
>>>> transfer amount appears in the B1 account.
>>>> When I right click on the bad entry I get the Transfer options menu.
>>>> On this menu both edit and delete are grayed out leaving the only
>>>> options, new, move or mark.
>>>> Advice would be appreciated please.
>>>> Eric
>>> Just to be sure I understand, you created a transaction which
>>> transferred £500 from account A1 to account B1, and the bank does show
>>> the money has left A1, but it has not yet arrived in B1. However, I am
>>> not sure what you are trying to do.  If you delete the transaction
>>> from A1, then will it not have £500 extra?  Also, since KMM follows
>>> the principles of double entry bookkeeping, any money leaving one
>>> account has to be added to some other account.
>>> However, if the program will not let you edit the transaction, we have
>>> to figure out why.  If it will let you move or mark it, then it really
>>> should let you edit or delete.  If you just hover the mouse over the
>>> transaction, is there any popup indicating any sort of error
>>> condition?  If you save the file, does the consistency check show any
>>> error about that transaction?
>>> Jack

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