Save kmymoney file without encryption

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Sun Apr 8 06:44:07 UTC 2018


On Sonntag, 8. April 2018 05:48:48 CEST Randy wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been encrypting my Kmymoney file for years, but now I'm trying to
> save this file without the encryption enabled and it's not working for me.
> I removed the check mark from the box "Use GPG encryption", and then
> used the "save as" option to save the file, but when I go to open up the
> new file, it continues to ask me for the password.
> Can someone please point me to what I'm doing wrong?  I'm running
> version 5.0.0 of KMM.

There's a bug in 5.0.0 which prevents you from doing so. It has been fixed in 
5.0.1 (see and
show_bug.cgi?id=390467). But there's a workaround to solve the problem without 
upgrading KMyMoney (which you should do nevertheless because 5.0.0 has a 
couple more problems).

Before you continue with the following make sure you have a backup of your 
file. Replace 'your-kmy-file' with the actual name of your file.

A temporary workaround would be the following commands on the command line

  gpg -d your-kmy-file.kmy | grep -v "kmm-encryption-key" > your-kmy-file.xml
  mv your-kmy-file.xml your-kmy-file.kmy


  gpg -d your-kmy-file.kmy

decrypts the file and sends the output to stdout which is send to

  grep -v "kmm-encryption-key"

which removes the line containing the key value and 

  > your-kmy-file.xml

stores the decrypted and modified file into your-kmy-file.xml (cleartext)

  mv your-kmy-file.xml your-kmy-file.kmy
simply replaces the original decrypted file with the now unencrypted version. 
The next time you save the file using KMyMoney it will be compressed 

Removing that one line is necessary, since otherwise KMyMoney will save the 
file encrypted again without asking you.



Thomas Baumgart       Telegram, the better WhatsApp
The spread of unverified or deliberately falsified information from
gutter-level sources in the wake of crises, aided by venues like Google
and Twitter, has become a real problem with real consequences. -- Tom McKay
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