Transferring amouts from Cheque to Saving Account...

zed zed at
Sun May 28 23:24:58 UTC 2017

KMMoney v4.6.6 on LinuxMint v18.1

My mind has turned to mush :-(

I have set up a Cheque Account and a Savings account and from time to time
transfer amounts between the two.

I open the Ledger and click on Transfer and am presented with a "Pay
to/From" option and a "Transfer to" option.  Right, should be simple,
shouldn't it?  But this is where my brain refuses to co-operate and
whatever I do, after I enter the date and amount I cannot save the entry.

As most of my transfer entries would be from the Cheque Account to the
Savings Account, what options should I choose to effect the transfer,
please?  I am in the Cheque Account Ledger. 

I have read the comprehensive KMM Manual but cannot find anything dealing
with what one actually does with Transfers between accounts.

Regards from New Zealand on a very cool and cloudy Monday morning.


Diplomacy: The art of letting someone else get your way.

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