Issue on Kmymoney reconcilliation

aga agander93 at
Thu Jun 9 09:29:00 UTC 2016

On 09/06/16 00:18, Thomas Spuhler wrote:
>> Now I'm puzzled.
>> This thread is about "Issue on Kmymoney reconcilliation", and your last
>> email mentions "In the Reconcile mode, under the table it is listed:
>> Statement: 1,045.43            Cleared: 1,045.43          Difference: 0.00"
>> and now you say
>> "I haven cleared anything."  It seems that your two statements conflict.
>> So far I haven't seen the detail of what your problem is.  Can we start
>> again?  Might a screen-sot help?
>> Allan
> I think, it makes complete sense. But I will start a new thread when the May
> statements come in.


If you then still see your problem, please provide a step-by-step list 
to display the problem, with the results at each step, if any.

We'll then may be in a better position to help you.


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