Issue on Kmymoney reconcilliation

Jane Hadley jhadle at
Wed Jun 8 02:12:10 UTC 2016

A similar problem I had recently was that the ending date of the
reconciliation period was set automatically (a setting that apparently was
left over from the previous month) at the 30th of the month, and I had a
deposit that was made on the 31st. It wouldn't reconcile and I couldn't
figure out why. When I changed the ending date to the 31st, then it picked
up the deposit and everything was copacetic.

So one thing to check if you are having a reconciliation problem is the
ending date for the reconciliation period.

Jane Hadley
Seattle, WA

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 4:10 PM, aga <agander93 at> wrote:

> On 07/06/16 21:27, Thomas Spuhler wrote:
>> On Tuesday, June 07, 2016 08:36:01 PM aga wrote:
>>> On 07/06/16 19:51, Thomas Spuhler wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday, June 07, 2016 06:47:23 PM aga wrote:
>>>>> On 07/06/16 15:38, Thomas Baumgart wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> On Tuesday 07 June 2016 15:19:25 René wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> First of all hello to every body. I'm new in this list and I'm
>>>>>>> seeking
>>>>>>> your help on an issue on reconcilliation in Kmymoney.
>>>>>> Welcome here on the list.
>>>>>> I'm using KMyMoney 4.7.1 on Fedora 23. Until now I never have any
>>>>>>> reconcilliation problems.
>>>>>>> Today it appears that, in the reconcilliation process, the amount at
>>>>>>> the begining of the reconcialliation period (which is read only) is
>>>>>>> different from the on mentioned in the corresponding account at the
>>>>>>> same date, which is the right one.
>>>>>>> All other accounting data are correct unless this discrepancy. I
>>>>>>> audited the account until mid year last year to see whether a
>>>>>>> preceding
>>>>>>> issue could impact the reconcilliation step of this month.
>>>>>>> Many thanks to everybody who could help me.
>>>>>> Take a look at the difference between the two values. Do you have a
>>>>>> reconciled transaction around the starting date of the reconciliation
>>>>>> period with that amount? Since the ending balance is OK there does not
>>>>>> seem to be an (accounting) problem.
>>>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Thomas
>>>>> Also, a couple of other points if you still have the problem.  On the
>>>>> Reconcile wizard, at the bottom, look at a line saying "Oldest unmarked
>>>>> transaction".
>>>>> Also, in Ledger view, towards top right, select "Not marked".
>>>>> Ensure all transactions before the start date are Cleared.
>>>>> Allan
>>>> Since a few month I am having problems too . I cannot find any useful
>>>> information to tell you. But since a few month, one of my Credit Card
>>>> accounts doesn't balance anymore. I looked back about a year and the
>>>> difference were different every month.
>>>> When trying to find the discrepancy, I noticed this strange information.
>>>> In the Reconcile mode, under the table it is listed:
>>>> Statement: 1,045.43            Cleared: 1,045.43          Difference:
>>>> 0.00
>>> This seems to be indicating that the reconcile has been successful,
>>> which you would accept by clicking "Finish".
>> No, No, I haven't reconciled anything.
>>> I haven cleared anything.
>>> Have you tried following the suggestions made earlier?
>>> Allan
> Now I'm puzzled.
> This thread is about "Issue on Kmymoney reconcilliation", and your last
> email mentions "In the Reconcile mode, under the table it is listed:
> Statement: 1,045.43            Cleared: 1,045.43          Difference: 0.00"
> and now you say
> "I haven cleared anything."  It seems that your two statements conflict.
> So far I haven't seen the detail of what your problem is.  Can we start
> again?  Might a screen-sot help?
> Allan
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