Consistency issue

Thomas Baumgart thb at
Wed Jan 20 07:24:26 UTC 2016


On Tuesday 19 January 2016 20:32:58 Jack Ostroff wrote:

> On 1/19/2016 8:18 PM, Gilcio Amaral-Martins wrote:
> > A consistency report is asking for manual intervention on transaction
> > 'T000000000000012593'.
> > Where can I get this transaction?
> > Gilcio Amaral
> Please provide the entire message.  Unfortunately, it is a known problem
> that it is difficult to find a transaction just by the internal
> identifier (that long T00...... number) so you have to use hints about
> what is wrong with the transaction to more easily find it.  The other
> way is to expand your kmy file, but let's see if the full message has
> enough information for you to find it more directly.

There is an easy method in KMyMoney master (not 4.7.2 though): Use the 
Edit/Find transaction dialog and drop that number in the text search field et 
voilĂ . The other method is to gunzip the file and search for the file using 
your favorite text editor. See the manual for instructions on how to gunzip 
the file.

Hope that helps.



Thomas Baumgart

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'rm -rf' is a short-hand for 'read manual really fast'
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