Looking for assistance connecting to Prudential Retirement with kMyMoney v4.72

Jesse McGraw jlmcgraw at gmail.com
Fri Feb 5 14:53:33 UTC 2016

> First question - did you actually set up Money to receive the data, or
> just look at what pocketsense would have passed to Money?
No, I was just looking for another way to download the OFX data to see 
if I could get it to work or not.  I'm actually using Ubuntu 15.10
> I'm not a python user, and have not looked at the script yet, but a
> very quick peek into the code shows that pocketsense is pure python,
> and it looks like it directly handles the OFX connection, and then
> manipulates the OFX file it downloads before just passing it to Money.
> KMyMoney uses either libofx or the aqbanking ofx back end to handle all
> the OFX details.  As far as I know, both of those use XML libraries to
> deconstruct the received OFX message.  The need to use aqbanking
> instead of libofx in this case is because it knows how to handle one
> particular feature of the OFX handshake that libofx does not.  When
> that is not used, either will work.  When the institution requires it
> (such as Chase Credit Cards and apparently Prudential) only aqbanking
> will work, although there will eventually be updates to libofx and KMM
> for this.
> Minor point - I believe the account number you can enter while editing
> a KMM account is never sent out, it is only used to possibly match the
> account number of a downloaded OFX file to suggest the account into
> which to import.
> I have only used aqbanking to download credit card transactions, so I
> can't comment on how it works with investment accounts.
> I'm still not sure what Prudential's "constructed" account number is.
> Does it happen to be sixteen hex digits?  If so, it is probably
> referred to as a UUID (Universally Unique IDentifier) and is really
> arbitrary, unless they require it to be created in some particular way,
> which doesn't seem to be the case.  This is the piece of the OFX
> handshaking which currently requires aqbanking instead of libofx.
I didn't know a better way to describe it.  It's a concatenation of the 
actual account number, sub-account number and 4 digits of SSN (see the 
PDFs here 
if you're interested) and ends up being in the format ######X######X####
Looking through the python code this number is passed as <ACCTID> in the 
OFX request

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