[Kmymoney] [Kmymoney-devel] Need Interest category in Reinvest activity?

Jack ostroffjh at frontier.com
Tue Sep 8 15:59:36 UTC 2015

[which list do we want this on - it started on both, but one got  
dropped somewhere]

On 2015.09.08 09:45, aga wrote:
> On 31/08/15 21:58, David Houlden wrote:
>> On Monday 31 August 2015 13:43:27 Jack wrote:
>>> On 2015.08.31 12:08, aga wrote:
>>>> I've been wrestling for a while with  
>>>> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=347166 "Price/share" field on  
>>>> investment transaction entry form is mislabeled. Actually is total  
>>>> buy/sale amount.
>>>> Jack has noticed that if a Dividend transaction is edited to be a  
>>>> Reinvest, the price field has no label.  I then found that this  
>>>> happens also with Buy or Sell transactions.  That is easily fixed.  
>>>> Then I noticed that once the above edit has completed, the  
>>>> resulting transaction is unbalanced, that is, it has an incorrect  
>>>> interest amount.  The erroneous amount corresponds with the amount  
>>>> of the original Dividend transaction.
>>>> I've been trying to eradicate that, but the only way I've found,  
>>>> is to remove the Interest field from Reinvest transactions (and  
>>>> presumably Buy and Sell, but I've not looked at them).
>>>> a)  Is this likely to be a problem to anyone?
>>>> b)  Can anyone see a better way to resolve this?  I'm sure there  
>>>> must be one.
>>>> Allan
>>> First, whether that field is total amount or price per share  
>>> depends on the configuration, and I think there are multiple  
>>> levels, in that you can specify specifically for that equity, for  
>>> that investment account, and overall for KMM.
>>> I don't see how you can remove the interest field from a reinvest  
>>> transaction.  I use that to specify (using different categories)  
>>> whether the amount is taxable or not, dividend, foreign dividend,  
>>> .....
>> I also don't see how you can remove it. I have dividends which get  
>> reinvested and the dividend has to be reported as income at tax year  
>> end. The interest field is used for that information.
>> Dave.
> A supplementary question, now.
> In the process of testing, I noticed that the Buy transaction allows  
> input of a dividend amount, but that amount is discarded on saving.
> Can anyone see a legitimate need for a Dividend on a Buy transaction?  
> It seems to me to be a bit improbable, but others may differ.
> Either way, if the field is needed, I think it needs fixing.
> What say you, anyone?
> Allan

There are cases where you get a "bonus" of extra shares when purchasing  
an annuity, for example.  While you could record this as a purchase and  
a separate reinvest dividend, I think it's more accurate to record it  
as interest on the initial purchase.  Certainly not a critical need,  
but not unheard of.


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