[Kmymoney] How to VOID a check

Jack ostroffjh at frontier.com
Mon Oct 26 00:57:55 UTC 2015

On 2015.10.25 19:43, Doug Lytle wrote:
> Jack wrote:
>> However, that would likely be eventually more confusing than just  
>> zeroing the amount or writing a cancelling transaction.
> This is understood and has already been done.

> But trying to explain to someone that's coming from a Windows and MS  
> Money environment that there is no void transaction, figured I'd ask  
> first before making such a statement.
Yes, asking is always good.  Does MSMoney have an explicit void  
transaction action?  Can you describe what it actually does?  This can  
help with my questions below.

> It seems to be a manual process that could be automated with the  
> 'mark as' option.  Though I do know developers resources are limited  
> and am very grateful for what I have.
If you feel strongly enough, it's worth creating a "wishlist" item at  
the KDE bug tracker.  That way it won't get forgotten, even if it is a  
relatively low priority task.  My concern is having a full description  
of what it should actually do.  Compared to "unmarked," "cleared," and  
"reconciled" it seems that "voided" is a different sort of status.   
First, I don't know if it applies to any account except a checking  
account.  (I can imagine voiding a credit card transaction, but I'll  
have to think longer about whether it's the same thing or something  
different.)  More important - should it change the (effective) amount  
to $0, or should it add a cancelling transaction (somehow) tied to the  
original, to allow the voiding to effectively happen on a date later  
than the check was written?

I'll try to mull this over for a while, and see if I can come up with a  
more complete description of what "voiding" a transaction should to  
within the current framework of KMM.

Regarding developer resources, you are correct, and I believe most of  
the current effort is aimed at converting KMM to use the new KDE  
frameworks.  My best understanding of this is that it is at least as  
much of an effort as the convertion from KDE3 to KDE4.


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