[Kmymoney] Regular expressions

Koos Pol koos2015 at pohw.nl
Sat Oct 10 10:11:45 UTC 2015

Op 10-10-15 om 11:21 schreef Rhaufed:
> Thank you,
> using your example, suppose I'm interested on filtering on those where
>  the word Apple OR the word pineaple are found.
> And if Apple AND pineaple


() = grouping
| = OR ; the token "|" only matches one single character. By grouping
the letters of the word, you treat that word as one character.

This regexp will match:
- foo Apple bar
- foo pineapple bar
- foo Apple bar pineapple bar
- foo pineapple bar Apple

Take special care: regexps are matched "first come, first served":
The string "foo pineapple bar Apple" is not matched because of
*/(_Apple_)|(pineapple)/ *but because of */(Apple)|(_pineapple_)/ !*


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