[Kmymoney] KMyMONEY reconcillation

Jack ostroffjh at frontier.com
Wed Nov 11 18:30:14 UTC 2015

On 2015.11.11 13:24, W. Harris wrote:
> I have just started using KMyMoney and have entered a month's worth  
> of transactions. When I go to reconcile, the program will not let me  
> enter an amount in the beginning statement balance field. Maybe I did  
> something wrong on setup?
> William 		 	   		

I'll guess that is an artifact of this being the first time you have  
reconciled the account.  You can think of it as having a starting value  
of $0.  In addition, it doesn't really matter, as it doesn't actually  
affect the reconciliation process, it is just displayed for your  
information.  I don't think you did anything wrong.  If this actually  
stops you from continuing the reconciliation process, then there might  
be some problem, but if not, I would just try to complete the  
reconciliation.  Let us know if this actually works, or if you run into  
further issues.


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